Baptism Information

We are excited to walk with you on your baptismal journey! Please fill out this form and submit it. Upon completion of the form a pastor will get in touch with you to set up a meeting prior to baptism. If you have any questions please reach out to one of the Trinity pastors. Blessings to you!
Person to Be Baptized Information

Please select all that apply.
Parent/Guardian Information

Sponsor (Godparent) Information

One to two sponsors is adequate. However, if you have more than two you can submit their information in a separate email to the pastor.
Baptism Date Request

Baptism dates are not confirmed until after a pastor has approved it. All baptism families must meet with a Trinity Lutheran Church pastor prior to baptism.  Upon the completion of this form a pastor will be in touch with you.


We are excited to walk with you on your baptismal journey! Please fill out this form and submit it. Upon completion of the form a pastor will get in touch with you to set up a meeting prior to baptism. If you have any questions please reach out to one of the Trinity pastors. Blessings to you!